Monday 8 March 2010

Confessions of a bad blogger!!!!

I am so terribly sorry for not blogging for what seems an absolute age!!!! As an office based worker the last thing I want after sitting in front of a computer screen all day is to come home to more of the same.

We have been so busy at work recently and I have been putting in some long days, it is just about getting home, eating dinner and going to bed........I have sooooo many unread emails that I really do need to respond to!!

Ok so, have tried to do some card making at the very least and I suppose due to family birthdays my hand has been forced and I have actually made the time to sit and do some card making.

This first card is actually for one of the girls at work who got married this week, I wanted to make something really special for her and as I had never before made a card with a recessed window, I thought I would give it a turned out ok I think!

I also made a box for the card to go in as I did not have any envelopes big also made the whole thing look a bit more special......this is the lid of the box.

This next card I made for some very special friends of ours, Donna and Dave......they have been very supportive to both Steve and I during his mums illness and helped us out with the use of their car when we were trying to sort ours out.......they are unique, kind, generous people and we are lucky to have them as friends.

I tried to do the faux stitching on this card but it did not look right.......or maybe I was doing it wrong....either way, I cut that bit off and changed the card slightly but I love this card and so please with the way it turned out.

Steve's son was up last weekend so of course they spent most of the time playing on the Xbox which meant I got some more cards made, and because the sun was shining on Sunday I managed to take some photos outside..........

I have made a very special card for my brothers wedding, but cant post it until the end of the month (once they are married) otherwise it will spoil the surprise as I know he keeps an eye on my blog. Sadly we wont be able to make the wedding (its in Australia) and we just cant afford to get there. He knows we will be there in spirit and will be thinking of them both on the big day...

Ok, well I think I have waffled on enough for now, I will try my best not to leave it soooooooo long between posts next time.

Thanks for stopping by

Stay safe

Kylie xxx

1 comment:

  1. Both cards are gorgeous, TFS, hope you are well and hope to see you sometime soon! HUgs always! G
