Tuesday 27 April 2010


Heeeeelllllllllooooooo out there.........I know it has been an absolute age since I last posted anything on my little blog and I do apologise to those of you out there who check it on a regular basis (Mum and Rosemary!!!), not had much time to do any card making recently but I have made an extra special effort last week to sit and make at least 1 card a night.

I ploughed my way through many blogs, craft sites and magazines to get some inspiration (feel like I have lost my mojo a bit...) and I got my colour chart out to look and see if I could 'experiment' with some different colours......I also have a massive scrap pile that needs to be used up!!!

Ok, so here are a couple of cards that I came up with....I wont put too many into one post otherwise I will run out quickly and then it will be another month before you see any of my ramblings on here :)

This first card is a totally not my kind of colours but I think it came out ok......believe me, I didnt come up with the colour combo, I used a colour challenge that I save ages ago, but I actually like this one....although I dont think the photo does it any justice.

I got some free papers in one of my magazines and usually I just ignore them or give them to the kids next door but I wanted to try and use some of them this time as they seemed to be rather nice!!!

This next card was another one of my saved colour challenges.....I had real trouble trying to get the colour layout of this one just right......must admit some of my earlier attempts went in the bin!!

Well, I am going to leave you with these to ponder........hope you like them. Apologies once again for my lack of blogging :) and I will try extra hard not to leave it so long before I am back again.

Stay safe

Kylie xxx

Sunday 4 April 2010

A very happy day indeed!

Happy Easter everyone, hope you have all had a lovely weekend..........not too many chocolates!!

Thank you to everyone who continues to browse my blog.....I know I have been very slack of late and not done much posting but I have not done much crafting either so there has not been a great deal to post I must say.......time just keeps getting away from me at the moment and there are just not enough hours in the day for me to do every thing I want to do......sorry!!!

So I have been waiting to post this next card for ages and now that the big event has happened I can safely post it. The card was for my brother and his lovely bride who enjoyed an amazing day/weekend of celebrations last weekend. Sadly we were not able to make it over to Australia to be with them, which although I tried to put a brave face on for, was extremely difficult to deal with knowing that all my family were in one place and I wasnt there........but the important thing is that Tal and Jane enjoyed themselves and made that very special committement to each other.

This was my second attempt at a recessed window card, the first one I dont think came out as nicely as this but I did not recess the window as much....it is very subtle on this card.

I chose this style for my brother as I know he likes different things and I thought the idea of a vintage wedding photo on the card would appeal to him.

So Tal and Jane, I know you check out the blog every now and then so I just want to say that I know you had an amazing day, cant wait to see the photo's........and I thought a piece of wedding cake would have shown up in the post by now!!!!!! Just kidding xx Love to you both xx

Stay safe

Kylie xx