Sunday 15 August 2010

Bad blogger

Evening time to write any pearls of wisdom (or mad ramblings as the case may be) so just posting a couple of pics to keep my hand in at this blogging business.

As you can see I have started my Christmas cards - I have kept them very simple this year and have made 4 different designs, 5 of each design so far so yes that is 20 cards I made last night!!! I have made a few extra special ones for close family (need to keep them sweet!!) so in total I made 24 christmas cards last night.......very impressed with myself!!
Now just need to get them in the post to Australia on time.............!!

Stay safe
Kylie xx

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Our Prom Queen!!!

Last friday night we drove down to Luton to wave Steve's daughter, Melissa, off to her Prom...... and take some pictures of course!!!! Look at that proud Dad!!!!

How amazing does she look........just beautiful xx
She had a lovely time and is just the sweetest girl...........we are both very proud of her.

......shameful blogger

Apologies for not being on here in a while but as always life is pretty hectic at the moment!!!! So no time for blogging really........although I have managed to find some time to do some card making!!!

I wont bore you with a long winded post, I am just going to put some pics up and give a brief explanation............most of these cards have been cased or based loosely on cards I have seen in magazines or other peoples blogs..........mojo seems to be in short supply at the moment, sorry!!

This first card is for Steve's eldest daughter's birthday.....

Aaaaaaggggghhhh......cant remember who this next one is for!!!!!

This clean and simple card is for Roy, Steve's brother in law..............

An elegant card for an elegant Debs in Ramsgate!!

Boys and their toys...........Steve's friend Phil who has just become a dad for the first time!!

And for the best Dad in the world................mine!!! Love ya Dad xxx

And for an amazing, wonderful, slightly mad but ever so lovable Mum xxxxx

So thats it for the card making for 2 days annual leave so I hope to be able to get some more done, I might even start on the christmas cards!!!!

Stay safe and see you soon

Kylie xx

Sunday 13 June 2010

Time is my enemy!!!!!

It seems that time is never on my side.........I know it has once again been an age since I last posted anything on my blog and I do apologise to those who check it regularly!

I recently took a weeks annual leave which would have been the best time to get some cards made and to do some posting but housework, painting garden furniture and planting some pots all got priority over anything craft based!!!

It was really only the fact that my Mum mentioned the other day that some of her friends were wondering when I was going to update the blog that really kicked me into gear today.......and to be honest the cards I have posted today I made a little while ago.

Things have been a bit tight of late so not been able to purchase any new stamps or supplies so feel like my cards are all looking a bit the same!! But my wonderful mum has kindly sent me some pennies so I can buy some new goodies xxxx love ya mum xxx

Ok onto the cards.................

I decided to go through all the colour challenges that I save onto my computer and see what I could come up with.......tried to pick some colours that I would not normally use.

I really like this next card although had trouble withe the ribbon as you can is not as neat as I would like it to be.........

It is quite a neutral card and I think it could probably be used for either a man or a woman this case I will be giving it to a gentleman I look after for his birthday.

Well, despite the fact I have a small stock of cards ready made there are a couple of very special birthdays coming up at the end of this month and beginning of next so will be spending some time at the craft desk this afternoon to make sure they are perfect......just like the people they will be given

Stay safe and hopefully I will be back again soon.

Kylie xx

Saturday 15 May 2010

B is for...................Butterfly!!!!

Hi, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.......only a week to go and then I am on annual leave for a week. Nothing exciting is planned just a few days at home, and if I have the will power I am going to do some house work..........!!!!

Then at the end of the week we are heading to the dizzying heights of Margate for a friends birthday and to see another who is home for a holiday from Oz.

Well on with the crafty stuff.....

I have been a bit slack with my 1 card a night challenge (how hard can it be really!!!) but I have been mega busy at work and also been trying to make some mini milk cartons to give to my staff team who have also been working extremely hard lately and they deserve a little something to say thanks ( will be posting those at a later date).

Ok, so although I am not really into the really girly, frilly stuff with my cards I really do like this punch despite the fact I am a minor phobia of butterflies.......scared they will get trapped in my hair!!!

I really liked the way this card turned out though...........................

This next card has been cased and I am sorry but I cant remember now where I first saw it so all credit to the original designer........although I never truely case anthing, dont usually have all the right ingredients so have to improvise on a lot of it!!

I made this one for Steve's daughter who is turning 18 tomorrow.......aaaahhhh I remember it well. I went out for my 18th and then had a job interview the next day......I put the same clothes on that I had gone out it and managed to be at the interview 20 mins early..........and I got the job!!!! Neadless to say my friends fell asleep in the car waiting for me :)

Well thats it for now, fingers crossed the weather keeps improving, it has been lovely today!!

Enjoy the week and will be back soon.

Stay safe

Kylie xx

Sunday 2 May 2010

Bank holiday blues...

As promised....not so long before I was back posting!!!

Well it is a cold, wet, miserable bank holiday surprises there, it has been quite a lazy old weekend with not much effort put into doing anything so the most energy I can muster is to sit infront of the computer and do a quick post!!

As I said in my last post, I am trying to work my way through a large pile of scrap card stock and DSP....unfortunatly the lady I usually sell my cards to has closed her shop so I am back to making cards for just family and friends.....which of course I love doing but at the moment I just dont seem to have any motivation to just create!!!

Moving on swiftly as I am starting to sound miserable.......this first card is a scrap creation, I am learning to be a bit more random with my stamping.....I can get caught up in things being really structured so I let loose with the stamp and I like how it turned out.

This next card is using a stamp set my Mum sent me ages ago........I love this set, the large flower is one of my favorites and is a 2 step stamp.

I decided to not put a sentiment on this card as it can then be used for just about any know the ones, when you totally forget and need a card in a hurry!!!

Well as I said this is only a quick post, Steve went fishing last night (madness, it was pouring with rain!!!) so need to get myself sorted so I can go and pick him up.

Hope you are making the most of the weekend

Stay safe


Tuesday 27 April 2010


Heeeeelllllllllooooooo out there.........I know it has been an absolute age since I last posted anything on my little blog and I do apologise to those of you out there who check it on a regular basis (Mum and Rosemary!!!), not had much time to do any card making recently but I have made an extra special effort last week to sit and make at least 1 card a night.

I ploughed my way through many blogs, craft sites and magazines to get some inspiration (feel like I have lost my mojo a bit...) and I got my colour chart out to look and see if I could 'experiment' with some different colours......I also have a massive scrap pile that needs to be used up!!!

Ok, so here are a couple of cards that I came up with....I wont put too many into one post otherwise I will run out quickly and then it will be another month before you see any of my ramblings on here :)

This first card is a totally not my kind of colours but I think it came out ok......believe me, I didnt come up with the colour combo, I used a colour challenge that I save ages ago, but I actually like this one....although I dont think the photo does it any justice.

I got some free papers in one of my magazines and usually I just ignore them or give them to the kids next door but I wanted to try and use some of them this time as they seemed to be rather nice!!!

This next card was another one of my saved colour challenges.....I had real trouble trying to get the colour layout of this one just right......must admit some of my earlier attempts went in the bin!!

Well, I am going to leave you with these to ponder........hope you like them. Apologies once again for my lack of blogging :) and I will try extra hard not to leave it so long before I am back again.

Stay safe

Kylie xxx

Sunday 4 April 2010

A very happy day indeed!

Happy Easter everyone, hope you have all had a lovely weekend..........not too many chocolates!!

Thank you to everyone who continues to browse my blog.....I know I have been very slack of late and not done much posting but I have not done much crafting either so there has not been a great deal to post I must say.......time just keeps getting away from me at the moment and there are just not enough hours in the day for me to do every thing I want to do......sorry!!!

So I have been waiting to post this next card for ages and now that the big event has happened I can safely post it. The card was for my brother and his lovely bride who enjoyed an amazing day/weekend of celebrations last weekend. Sadly we were not able to make it over to Australia to be with them, which although I tried to put a brave face on for, was extremely difficult to deal with knowing that all my family were in one place and I wasnt there........but the important thing is that Tal and Jane enjoyed themselves and made that very special committement to each other.

This was my second attempt at a recessed window card, the first one I dont think came out as nicely as this but I did not recess the window as is very subtle on this card.

I chose this style for my brother as I know he likes different things and I thought the idea of a vintage wedding photo on the card would appeal to him.

So Tal and Jane, I know you check out the blog every now and then so I just want to say that I know you had an amazing day, cant wait to see the photo's........and I thought a piece of wedding cake would have shown up in the post by now!!!!!! Just kidding xx Love to you both xx

Stay safe

Kylie xx

Friday 19 March 2010

The eagle has landed....

Strange title, I know, but when it takes a week for the post to get to Australia I have to wait until it arrives before I can post anything that is destined for family out there.........

so, this is a card for my soon to be sister-in-law, it was her birthday today and then next weekend she is getting married to my brother (will post the wedding card once I know they have seen it).....wishing we could be there but sadly we cant.

This next card is the Mothers Day card I made for my mum, as explained in an earlier post she much prefers 'mothering sunday' to the commerical mothers day.

I found this little sentiment on the internet and for me it sums up everything about being a mum, I know we all say it, but my mum is the most amazing person I know........she has taught me to be the person I am........strong, independent, a little firery perhaps, I got all her best bits and some of her worst but I could not ask for a better mum or best friend in the world. Love you so very very much mum xxx

Stay safe

Kylie xx

Monday 15 March 2010

Special Days

I really wanted to post some different cards but since they are winging their way to Australia and cant be seen until after the events they are for, I have gone for these ones, which are just as special.

This first one was for Steve's second eldest daughter for her birthday, she is an amazing young lady and a fabulous mum to her 2 little girls...........

As you can see from the photo's, the sun was shining and I took full advantage of that fact and took some shots outside.........I sooooooooo cant wait for summer!!!!

This next card was for Steve's mum for mothers day, she has been through some really tough times recently and just keeps fighting........another amazing lady!!! I would have loved to put MY mums card up but since I didnt get it in the post on time, it hasnt arrived yet and I dont want to spoil it for her by posting it on here before she sees it. We have a different commerical 'mothers day' in Australia but my mum much prefers the traditional 'mothering sunday' so I always send her a card for that.

The designer paper and the frame stamp both come from a collection inspired by the Victoria and Albert museum tapestry collection......and I just love them!!!!

Well it was my birthday on the 8th March but it was also International Womens Day so I hope all you amazing ladies out there had a fantastic day..........a whole day to celebrate being women, cant get much better than that eh!!!

Stay safe

Kylie xx

Monday 8 March 2010

Confessions of a bad blogger!!!!

I am so terribly sorry for not blogging for what seems an absolute age!!!! As an office based worker the last thing I want after sitting in front of a computer screen all day is to come home to more of the same.

We have been so busy at work recently and I have been putting in some long days, it is just about getting home, eating dinner and going to bed........I have sooooo many unread emails that I really do need to respond to!!

Ok so, have tried to do some card making at the very least and I suppose due to family birthdays my hand has been forced and I have actually made the time to sit and do some card making.

This first card is actually for one of the girls at work who got married this week, I wanted to make something really special for her and as I had never before made a card with a recessed window, I thought I would give it a turned out ok I think!

I also made a box for the card to go in as I did not have any envelopes big also made the whole thing look a bit more special......this is the lid of the box.

This next card I made for some very special friends of ours, Donna and Dave......they have been very supportive to both Steve and I during his mums illness and helped us out with the use of their car when we were trying to sort ours out.......they are unique, kind, generous people and we are lucky to have them as friends.

I tried to do the faux stitching on this card but it did not look right.......or maybe I was doing it wrong....either way, I cut that bit off and changed the card slightly but I love this card and so please with the way it turned out.

Steve's son was up last weekend so of course they spent most of the time playing on the Xbox which meant I got some more cards made, and because the sun was shining on Sunday I managed to take some photos outside..........

I have made a very special card for my brothers wedding, but cant post it until the end of the month (once they are married) otherwise it will spoil the surprise as I know he keeps an eye on my blog. Sadly we wont be able to make the wedding (its in Australia) and we just cant afford to get there. He knows we will be there in spirit and will be thinking of them both on the big day...

Ok, well I think I have waffled on enough for now, I will try my best not to leave it soooooooo long between posts next time.

Thanks for stopping by

Stay safe

Kylie xxx

Sunday 7 February 2010

Big birthday month!!

Evening all,

Hope you have all had a good weekend, it has been another quiet one for us......we finally got our car back, 2 days on the road and something else went wrong with it so it was another week on the bus to work for me and restricted to the house this weekend......fingers crossed we get it back tomorrow afternoon!

Ok, so onto some cards, I have got quite a few birthdays this month, hence the title of this post and this first one is for Steve's mum, her birthday is 2 days after his this week. Unfortunately she is going into hospital tomorrow so will spend her birthday there, although we are hoping that this op sorts everything out and she will be on the road to recovery.

Although it is not the same, I got the 'idea' from the SU Idea Bool and Catalogue on page 44. When you dont have the stamps to totally CASE something you just have to make do with what you do have eh!!

This next card is for Steve, I find it really hard to make cards for men and really must invest in some more masculine stamp sets. It is his 4oth on Wednesday and he is not looking forward to it so did not want to make a card that screamed 'YOU ARE NOW 40'.

Steve is an angler and loves his fishing so last years birthday card had a very comical picture of a man caught on is own belt by this fishing rod, this year I went a bit more 'mature' but kept to a watery/sea/fishy kind of theme.........I hope he likes it.

Well folks, thats it for now, sorry it is so long between posts at the moment but I am flat out at work and catching the bus is taking its toll and eating into my 'down' time, which means I have not had much time to do any crafting either.......I have done a little bit this weekend, making a wedding card for a friend at work and I need to get started on one for my brother and his fiance, they get married in March and as we wont be able to be there I want to make something extra special.

Stay safe

Kylie xx

Friday 29 January 2010

True Friend

Happy Friday everyone!!

It has been a short week for me as I had Monday off as annual leave, hoping to get next Thursday/Friday off as well and have a bit of a long weekend....4 days off in a row, just heavenly!!

Well as promised I said I would keep posting despite my decision to discontinue with SU, not done a lot of card making this week as just been too tired, I have some ready to photograph so must to that before I send them out as they are all allocated for friends birthdays!

I have been trying to use up some more scraps and wanted to make something clean and simple........

What do you think?? I really do love this stamp set, it looks great in just about any colour!! But as you can see I have stuck with my neutral colour scheme......

Might be back over the weekend

Stay safe

Kylie xx