Sunday 13 June 2010

Time is my enemy!!!!!

It seems that time is never on my side.........I know it has once again been an age since I last posted anything on my blog and I do apologise to those who check it regularly!

I recently took a weeks annual leave which would have been the best time to get some cards made and to do some posting but housework, painting garden furniture and planting some pots all got priority over anything craft based!!!

It was really only the fact that my Mum mentioned the other day that some of her friends were wondering when I was going to update the blog that really kicked me into gear today.......and to be honest the cards I have posted today I made a little while ago.

Things have been a bit tight of late so not been able to purchase any new stamps or supplies so feel like my cards are all looking a bit the same!! But my wonderful mum has kindly sent me some pennies so I can buy some new goodies xxxx love ya mum xxx

Ok onto the cards.................

I decided to go through all the colour challenges that I save onto my computer and see what I could come up with.......tried to pick some colours that I would not normally use.

I really like this next card although had trouble withe the ribbon as you can is not as neat as I would like it to be.........

It is quite a neutral card and I think it could probably be used for either a man or a woman this case I will be giving it to a gentleman I look after for his birthday.

Well, despite the fact I have a small stock of cards ready made there are a couple of very special birthdays coming up at the end of this month and beginning of next so will be spending some time at the craft desk this afternoon to make sure they are perfect......just like the people they will be given

Stay safe and hopefully I will be back again soon.

Kylie xx