I must have a real bee in my bonet at the moment as I seem to have done a lot of card making and blogging over the last few days..........not saying its a bad thing but house work seems have been totally forgotten about and if I dont get ontop of it soon it is going to overwhelm me.....dont say a word Mum!!!!
So how is everybody??? Thank goodness it's Friday, even though it has been a short week thanks to Easter, today seemed to take forever to get here!! 42 days and counting until I start my new job......I cant wait!!
Right back to card making......believe it or not I am still working through my scraps but starting to get to the bottom of the pile. Here are a couple of cards I made last night.........
This next card is a little difficult to see in the photo but I have used the Le Jardin DP and co-ordinated it with the French Flair back ground stamp
Well thats it for now.....stay safe everyone!
Smiles xx
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