Thursday 2 April 2009

Tonight is the Night!

What I should really say is that I have everthing ready to go, all nicely organised and prepared.....but I'm soooooooooo not!!!!

In truth I am mostly prepared, card all cut and ready in individual packs with all accessories required to make their card and gift, but me being me, I am panicking now and worried that I will leave something vital at home and end up looking like a right wally!!

Anyway, hopefully i will have some photo's to show and a lovely big order to put in tomorrow........fingers crossed, wish me luck!

Smiles xx


  1. Hi Kylie
    i hope your party went well! was thinking of you....

  2. Sorry am late wishing you Good Luck, hope it went well, I have been down in the dumps health wise - not very mobile!
    Well Done, Rubber hugs
